- To impart sufficient technical knowledge, skill and exposure to the students to make them a tech-savvy professional in the areas of VLSI, analog signal processing, digital system, embedded system, communication system etc.
- To have well qualified and competent faculty members in the department who are in a position to impart quality technical education.
- To regularly update the labs by incorporating experiments beyond syllabus and other value added contents in keeping with current industry requirement.
- To ensure effective counseling and career guidance facility to the students to help them achieve their goals.
- To develop overall personality of the students by encouraging them to participate in technical and non-technical club activities, sports and personality development programs.
- To encourage and prepare the students to participate in national level examinations like GATE.
- To encourage faculty and staff members to pursue higher education, research and to update themselves with the latest trends in technology being used in the field of electronics and communication.
Electronics & Communication Engineering

To create highly skilled, trained and confident Electronics and Communication Engineers having professional ethics, strong fundamental knowledge, passion for technology and competence to adapt to the rapid changes in technology with the time.

Ms. Nitu Chauhan is the Head of Department, Electronics & Communication Engineering. She is also Chief Mentor for 2nd Year and onwards. Ms. Nitu has completed her B.Tech and M.Tech from Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar and currently pursuing Ph.D (Image processing using Machine Learning). She is having experience more than 18 years.
She is Lifetime member of ISTE (INDIAN SOCIETY FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION). Her expertise is in Image Processing, Machine learning, Soft Computing, Digital Electronics and Wireless Communication. She has published several national and international research publications.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOS)
- To prepare students to excel in undergraduate programmes and succeed in industry/ technical profession through global, rigorous education.
- To provide students with a solid foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals required to solve engineering problems and also to pursue higher studies.
- To provide students with foundation in skill development required to design, develop and fabricate engineering products.
- To inculcate in students professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, teamwork skills, multidisciplinary approach, and an ability to relate engineering issues to broader social context, additional courses with regard to physical, psychological and career growth.
- To provide student with an academic environment aware of excellence, outstanding leadership, written ethical codes and guidelines with moral values, and the life-long learning needed for successful professional career.
Programme Outcomes (POs)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
1) Engineering knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and Electronics Engineering to the solution of engineering problems.
2) Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review literature and analyze Electronics Engineering problems to design, conduct experiments, analyze data and interpret data.
3) Design /development of solutions: Design solution for Electronics Engineering problems and design system component of processes that meet the desired needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal and the environmental considerations.
4) Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions in Electronics Engineering.
5) Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to Electronics Engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6) The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to mechanical engineering practice.
7) Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the Electronics Engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge and need for sustainable development.
8) Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the Electronics Engineering practice.
9) Individual and team work: Function affectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings in Electronics Engineering.
10) Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering committee and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write affective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations in Electronics Engineering.
11) Project Management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge & understanding of the mechanical engineering principles and management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments in Electronics Engineering.
12) Life – long learning: Recognize the need for, and the preparation and ability to engage in independent research and lifelong learning in the broadest contest of technological changes in Electronics Engineering.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
- To apply the fundamental and design knowledge in the areas of analog & digital circuits, Electronics and Communication Systems.
- To pursue higher studies or get placed in Industries and Organizations.
This department was established during the inception of the institute in 2007 as the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). The Department was set up to nourish the students into highly skilled engineers with extensive knowledge in the field of Electronics & Communication. The department is well equipped with all the gadgets, instruments and softwares required for experimental work. Project work throughout the course strengthens the necessity for a combination of practical and theoretical skills and abilities. The students are also encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and clubs
Apart from the core electronics laboratories, the electronics industry has tied hands with the recent ongoing fields such as Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Blockchain, Cyber Security, Data Science, Internet of Things (IOT), Robotics etc. And to prepare the students for the technological advancements the department offers subjects like Digital Image Processing, Cyber Security, Mobile Communication Networks, Soft Computing etc.
The Department of Electronics and Communication engineering offers UG course affiliated to J. C. Bose University of Science and Technology, Faridabad (formerly YMCA). The well-designed curriculum along with co-curricular activities such as Seminars, Technical quizzes, Project displays, Paper Presentations, etc facilitate the students to compete in the corporate world and for higher studies. We inculcate a problem-solving attitude in our students as well as encourage them to grow as effective team players with professional ethics, communication skills, and a zeal to outshine in the global scenario. Rigorous monitoring is used to evaluate the progress of students through a well-formed continuous evaluation and feedback mechanism. We have a mentorship system to monitor the students and guide them professionally as well as personally to improve their overall performance.
Electronics Project Workshop
Project lab is the gateway of electronics world. It offers the students, the opportunity to gain valuable hands on experience with the state of art environment where students become proficient in both the physical and creative skills needed. It has a key role in promoting practical learning experience, a place where they develop creative proposals, and execute their final projects. This facility is exclusively provided to the students to carry out their project works. Computing facility with sufficient number of personal computers with high speed Internet connectivity is available. Domain specific faculty members and technical staff are available beyond working hours to support students for doing project work. The laboratory is equipped with educational tools to create interest and better understanding of electronics. Students are encouraged to do project work in domain wise with the support of the facilities available in the laboratories. Journals, technical magazines and reference books are shared from college central library. Embedded system development software and tools with evaluation board and necessary hardware items are available in the laboratory to familiarize the students to work in embedded systems. Previous batches working models/ projects and projects reports are available in the laboratory.
Major equipment’s:
- Work benches
- Digital storage oscilloscopes and cathode ray oscilloscopes
- Signal generators
- Power supplies
- Soldering iron kits
- Bread boards
- Arduino Kit
- Raspberry Pi Kit
Digital Signal Processing Lab
Digital Signal Processing practical lab is the basic lab for students to understand various types of signal & system using MATLAB. With the help of MATLAB software, students can understand how to plot various continuous and discrete time signals. The DSP lab has both software and a hardware component. In the software component, students carry out a number of computer experiments written in MATLAB, illustrating some of the fundamental concepts and applications of digital signal processing, such as quantization and sampling, block processing by convolution, signal enhancement and noise reduction filters, realizations of digital filters, spectral analysis by the DFT and FFT, the design of FIR and IIR digital filters. Students also learn the programming skills with MATLAB. This lab provides the practical knowledge of different aspects of signal and system subject. It enhances the programming capability of students with MATLB. They can visualize the graphical representation of different signals, systems and their properties.
Electronic Devices Lab
Electronic devices lab provides students engineering skills by way of breadboard circuit design with electronic devices and components. To design and analyze various Electronic circuits such as multivibrators, applications of operational amplifiers, RC coupled amplifiers, oscillators, digital circuits etc. so that students are able to understand the practical aspects of basic electronics theory. The objective of this laboratory is to understand the concepts, working and characteristics of half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifier, Diodes, BJT and FET Transistors, amplifiers and Zener diode as a transistor series and shunt voltage regulator. Besides this to shape the waveform, implementation of clipper circuits and also to shift waveform implementation of clamper circuits is the objective of EDC lab. It also enable the students to simulate and test the Analog, Digital and mixed Electronics circuits using OrCAD software.
Analog and Digital Communication Lab
Communication lab is back bone of communication in which students visualize base band and pass band modulation/demodulation waveform on CRO to carry out precise analysis. As we know modulation is the main parameter which is very crucial for transmitting the information from transmitter to receiver. Without modulation transfer of information would be impossible for long distance. In Communication lab students will experience analog modulation as well as digital modulation techniques for example amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, sampling and reconstruction of signal, PPM, PWM and ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM. Overall communication lab will boost up communication fundamental concept of students which is emerging field all over the globe. Students will be able to understand basic theories of digital communication system in practical and dexterous to handle various prime hardware like CRO, Function Generator, Different Trainer Kit.
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab
Microcontrollers and microprocessors are different ways of organizing and optimizing a computing system based on a CPU. The microprocessor is the central unit of a computer system that performs arithmetic and logic operations. Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications, in contrast to the microprocessors used in personal computers or other general purpose applications consisting of various discrete chips. The objective of this lab is to develop and execute variety of assembly language programs of Intel 8086 including arithmetic and logical, sorting, searching, and string manipulation operations and interfacing Intel 8086 with various peripheral devices and another objective is to develop and execute simple programs on 8051 micro controller. After going through M&M Lab student will learn the internal organization of popular 8086/8051 microprocessors/microcontrollers. The student will learn hardware and software interaction and integration. The student will learn hardware and software interaction and integration. To apply the concepts in the design of microprocessor/microcontroller based systems in real time applications.
Digital Image Processing Lab
This laboratory deals with the basics of processing, includes image enhancement in spatial and frequency domain, filtering, image restoration, compression, segmentation and edge detection algorithms. Thorough understanding of SCI Lab and Open CV software and image processing toolbox is mandatory for proceeding with the course wear. The usefulness of this lab is due to an increase in the pictorial information available for human interpretation, and for automatic and autonomous machine control. Digital pictures today are all around us, on the web, on DVDs, and on digital satellite systems, for example. In this course we will investigate the creation and manipulation of digital images by computer. The course will consist of computer laboratory exercises designed to introduce methods of real-world data manipulation. Its applications include radiology, astronomy, meteorology, remote sensing, recognition, seismology etc. The lab exercises will introduce various image processing topics, which will be examined in more detail. Topics will include representation of two-dimensional data, time and frequency domain representations, filtering and enhancement, the Fourier transform, convolution, interpolation, color images, and techniques for animation.
Microwave Engineering Lab
Microwave engineering lab is used for Microwave Measurements and design and for many research areas. This lab is also used for the Characterization of Microwave devices and circuits. Microwave design lab includes Antennas, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Computational Electromagnetic, Subsurface imaging, biomedical imaging. This lab is used for measuring the microwave frequency, dielectric constant, unknown impedance, attenuation, insertion loss and power etc. Microwave lab is also used to measure the coupling coefficient and directivity of a waveguide directional coupler. Moreover this lab is also used to measure the polar pattern and the gain of a waveguide horn antenna. This all can be done with the help of microwave test bench. A microwave test bench is an assembly of various microwave components, held together by Nuts & Bolts. It consists of a microwave source (Oscillator) at one end. The waves generated are led down by a wave guide through various components, so that the student can observe the propagation of waves, and their interaction and/or processing by various components.
The Microwave engineering lab course gives a practical exposure to students to learn the characteristics of Microwave components. Also gives the practical hands on experience by exposing the students to various microwave components.
Analog Circuits Lab
The area of Analog circuit design is one of the vast and complex areas in VLSI circuit designing. This lab is well equipped with Digital Signal Oscilloscopes (DSO’s), Multimeters, Analog Trainer kits, and discrete components (active & passive). Students learn to process semiconductors practically and learn to design and implement the analog circuit for given specifications in various areas. The students learn to simulate various amplifier, oscillators, Timer circuits and mathematical operational circuits on software and implement with the help of hardware.
Electromagnetic Waves Lab
The aim of this laboratory is to introduce the students about electric field behaviour in conductors and dielectrics. In this lab, student can determine the reflection coefficient, VSWR and dielectric constant of transmission line and also learn to design the various type of transmission line and waveguide with the help of simulation software HFSS. With the help of this lab, Students have the opportunity to study basics of Electromagnetic simulation software HFSS. With the help of this lab, student gets the idea about the study and analysis of components used in microwave engineering. Students can design and characterize different type of waveguide like Rectangular and Circular waveguide. Student can also design and characterize the Microstrip Line and can determine reflection coefficient, VSWR and Dielectric Constant of transmission line with the help of simulation and design software HFSS. In this lab, students can also study the behavior of the electric field in between the parallel conductors and circular electrodes.
Digital Electronics lab
The purpose of this lab is to enable the students to learn basic concepts and techniques in digital electronic circuits and systems. The learning objective of this laboratory is to supplement the theory course of digital circuits and system with adequate introduction to both combinational and sequential logic circuits, such as, adders, subtractors, comparator, multiplexer/demultiplexer, encoders/decoders, 7-segment display and decoder/driver, flip-flop, register, counter, etc. and various combinations of these. The lab is well equipped with analog and digital electronic components, so students can fabricate their own circuit. The lab is fully equipped with required instruments such as digital lab trainer kits for IC’s, multiplexer/ demultiplexer, Flip flops, Function Generators, Multimeters and CRO’s. Students learn to design and build circuits for projects and to differentiate between combinational and sequential logic circuits.
Basic Electrical Engineering Lab
This lab is designed to expose students to the practical executions of the fundamental theories of electrical engineering. They can practically verify the basic concepts of DC circuits like Kirchhoff’s voltage law and Kirchhoff’s current law along with various theorems like Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem. In AC circuits, students will be able to verify the phenomenon of resonance in both series and parallel RLC circuits. They can perform the experiments based on single phase transformer like direct load test, open circuit and short circuit test. The students will be able to measure the 3-phase power by two wattmeter method and also will learn to control the speed of DC motor by various methods. In the last, the students will be provided the basic knowledge of various types of electrical fuses, MCB, MCCB and types of wires.
- Guided Projects for students using Arduino and embedded Systems that adds value to their learning.
- Students of ECE background of Echelon established their startups.
- Students get a fair chance to enhance their personality and soft skills.
Industrial Associates

Electronics & Communication Engineering FAQs
An electronics and communication engineer can work in buyer gadgets, power plants, fabricating, distribution, communication & telecommunication, computer application, radio and TV, scientific gear producing and seaward enterprises.
An ECE student will learn about interpersonal skills include:
- communication skills
- presentation skills
- teamwork
- listening skills
- leadership skills
Apart from this, Software development, computer languages, and visualization knowledge.
Electronics and Communication Engineering has become one of the most liked courses by aspirants since they can work in various fields like embedded systems development, software development, power area etc.
Students get an opportunity to learn and grow as the infrastructure of the department is designed in such a way that it creates a study and peaceful environment.
A degree in ECE adds extra credit to students’ resumes. Folks who enjoy researching electronics gadgets can go with this course. Holding this degree will open the doors to a good position and a decent package.
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- admissions@eitfaridabad.co.in
- +91-9999-753-763
- Faridabad, Delhi NCR
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