
About R&D Cell


Dr. Devdutt

Dean - R&D

Research and Development cell was established at EIT to promote and inculcate research, development as well as innovation-based skills among Institute faculty members and students. R&D cell provides a desired platform to flourish innovation and creativity in the Institute thereby preparing students for successful careers. R&D is committed to recent technology-driven based collaborations leading to the linkage of the research with teaching curriculum. R&D cell consists of one member from each Department of the Institute and called as Department Research Coordinator (DRC). EIT is regularly sanctioning essential funds towards R&D activities for students and faculty members.


To be a hub of innovation, creativity, and inquiry, driving the frontiers of knowledge and technology, inspired by a self-reflective culture of exploration and growth. The department envisions empowering researchers and scholars to address societal and technological challenges, fostering leadership in research, and contributing to the continuous evolution of life through impactful discoveries and advancements.


  • To cultivate a culture of innovation and exploration by encouraging cutting-edge research and experiential learning aligned with technological and societal needs.
  • To inspire self-motivated researchers to continuously enhance their creative, and innovative capabilities for impactful discoveries and real-world applications.
  • To foster a collaborative and ethical research environment, promoting interdisciplinary inquiry and shared human values for the betterment of society.

Objectives of R&D Cell:

  1. Identification of thrust areas of research in each department.
  1. To enhance quality of UG and PG projects.
  1. To sensitize and encourage faculty members and students to publish their research work in reputed National and International Journals /Conferences.
  1. Advise and encourage faculty members  to carry out research in-house and in collaboration with other organizations.
  1. Review the progress of research of faculty members and students and offer necessary guidance whenever required.
  1. To motivate the faculty members for organizing conferences, workshops, seminars, symposiums and other research-oriented events at National and International level.
  1. Encourage young faculty members to register for Ph.D. at various reputed academic universities.
  1. To build functional and professional linkages with Industry, Professionals, Government agencies and other organizations within and outside India.
  1. To motivate the faculty members to apply for research grants from National or International funding agencies/Universities/Institutions of scientific research and to scrutinize the proposals before submitting to funding agencies such as; UGC, AICTE, DST, DRDO etc.
  1. Addressing National and Global needs.
  1. To establish centres of Excellence and Innovation labs.