
Library @ Echelon

“Fueling Curiosity, Inspiring Brilliance: Explore, Learn, Excel at Echelon Library.”

Echelon Institute of Technology Central Library was established in 2007. The total area of 1025 Sq. Meters consisting of a spacious reading hall, textbook section, reference section, periodical section, issuing counter, and digital library section. It is fully automated with barcode and classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme This Central Library follows open access system; Barcode based circulation process and OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) search. The library has a rich collection of books, National and International journals, Technical and other Magazines, and other print or non-print materials organized and maintained for use (reading, consultation study researched). The print collection includes textbooks, reference books, periodicals, and their back volumes. In addition to this, books related to general reading, competitive examination preparation, are available. The electronic resources like NDL, DELNET, and e-books package are regularly subscribed. Students and faculty access these resources within the campus as well as remotely. The library provides online access to a large number of full text e-journals and e-books. These e-journals and e-books are accessible through remote access DELNET. Membership of the library is open to students, faculty and staff. The institution has also maintained a separate departmental library in each department.

Name of Database


No. of Titles

Journals subscribed through DELNET



Library Membership

National Digital Library of India (NDLI) is a virtual repository of learning resources which is not just a repository with search/browse facilities but provides a host of services for the learner community. It is sponsored and mentored by Ministry of Education, Government of India, through its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT). DELNET offers access to about three million books and other documents through a number of union catalogues, union lists and other databases that are accessible through the internet. Our college has become a member of DELNET and this will provide us an array of facilities towards modernization of the central library. The National Program on technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) has initiated certification courses offered on the model of MOOCs on its online courses portal. Through an online portal, online courses are being offered. These courses are typically on topics relevant to students along with basic core courses in sciences and humanities. The enrollment to and learning from these courses involves no cost.

Facilities Available


Number of Titles: 6460
Number of Volumes: 41073

Print Journals And Magazines

54 / 8

E-Journals Database


E-Books Database



13 News Papers both in English and Hindi languages.


Institute has taken updated version of NPTEL


Wi-Fi facility is available in The Central Library


Developing Library Network (DELNET), National Digital Library (NDL).

Library Management System


Online Public Access Catalogue



1. Separate Reading Hall with seating capacity of 120
2. Digital library and Internet Facility
3. Departmental Library
4. Open Access for all students
5. Reprographic Centre
6. Library WEB OPAC
7. Book bank facility for all students per semester
8. Access to MOOC Courses- NPTEL, Coursera, Spoken Tutorial







Dr. Irfanullah Khan


DMS Chairperson


Dr. Mukesh Saini


DSW Member


Ms. Mamta




Ms. Ranjana Sahoo

Assistant Librarian



Dr. Vandana Agarwal


Has Member


Dr. Sindhu Kumar

Associate Professor

ME Member


Dr. Ruchika Aggarwal

Associate Professor

CSE Member


Ms. Sunita Deswal

Asst. Professor

DCA Member


Dr. Rupendra Chahar

Associate Professor

ECE Member


Category of Membership and Loan Period :




CE Students


14 Days

CSE Students


 14 Days

ECE Students


 14 Days

ME Students


 14 Days



 14 Days



 14 Days



 14 Days



 14 Days



 14 Days



1 Semester

Non-Teaching staff


1 Month

General Rules and Regulations

  • All the students/scholars and outsiders entering the Library shall keep their bags and other belongings at the entrance. Do not leave any valuables at the Check Point. Library is not responsible for any loss of personal belongings. All files, books and note books must be presented to the security guard at the checkpoint for inspection while leaving the Library. Library does not permit any exception in the observance of this rule.
  • Library Card is compulsory for getting access to the library
  • Books removed from the shelves by users, should be kept on the book trolley or on table nearest to them after use. Please do not try to shelve them yourself. Please remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.
  • The newspaper(s) should be folded properly after reading and kept back in the
    designated place.
  • Students are advised not to issue Books to others on their names.
  • All the books issued to the students must be returned once end examination is over.
  • Before registering for new semester, all the dues of the library must be clear
    including overdue books else these borrowing facilities shall be withhold.
  • Conversation and discussion disturbs library ambience. Therefore, all are requested to maintain silence.
  • All users are requested to keep their mobiles switched off or in silent mode in the Library.
  • Beverages and Eatables are not allowed inside the library.
  • No visitor or guest is permitted to use the Library without the prior permission of the Librarian.
  • He/She is required to produce a proper introduction letter from the concerned Institution/Organization to which he/she is attached.
  • Library reserves the right to call back any issued book/item at any time.

Rules for Membership

Code of Conduct in the Library :

  • The library is a place for silent and serious study. Users must, therefore, maintain silence at all times.
  • Consultations and discussions in the Library are strictly prohibited.
  • All users are required to obtain an identity card or library membership card before using the library.
  • Library books/journals must not be marked, defaced, mutilated or dog-eared in any way.
  • Users must observe copyright regulations and provision in respect of all library items.
  • The PCs in the library are meant for searching the library database and the Internet only.
  • Readers are requested to place their personal belongings in the baggage area provided at the entrance of library. Bags shall not be taken into the Library.
  • Duplicate membership card Fee is Rs: 50.
  • Library Cards issued to the Library members shall be valid up to Final year of the course. It will be returned to the library at the time of obtaining ‘No Dues Certificate’.
  • Mobile must be kept in switched off mode and may not be used in the reading room.
  • Discussions and consultations are not allowed in the library.
  • Smoking and eating are not permitted in the Library.
  • No Notices be displayed in the Library without the approval of the Librarian.
  • Personal items should not be left unattended in the library. The library shall not own any responsibility for loss or damage to such items.
  • Desks and furniture should not be moved without the permission of the Librarian.
  • Users should show courtesy to other users and staff at all times.
  • OPAC facility is available in campus LAN or Wi-Fi.
  • In case of any query, please contact 9058157648 or

Library Issue Return Rules

  • The number of items that a user may borrow at any given time will be as follows:
  • All the Students Book Bank books for complete semester issue class start within one month, than 2 books will be issue for 14 days; thereafter a fine of Rs.5/ per day of delay will be levied.
  • Faculty (Asst. Prof. and above): 8 books for two month, Thereafter a fine of Rs.2/ per day will be levied.
  • Staff members (Lab and Admin): 3 books for two month, Thereafter a fine of Rs.2/ per day will be levied.
  • Users’ library details will be contained in a bar code which will be embedded on to the Library card.
  • Users will, therefore, need to present their ID cards with library card at the checking counter.
  • Borrowed items may not be lent to third parties.
  • Users must immediately inform the library of changes in their contact address.
  • Loss or damage of any library item must immediately be reported to the library.
  • No library item shall be taken out of the Library without due procedure.
  • Books/Journals must be left on the tables where they were used. Users should not return them to the shelves. This will be done by the library staff.
  • Lost or damaged items shall be replaced at the cost of the borrower, at the prevailing market rates plus Rs 100 as processing fee.

Renewals/Reservations and Over Due Charges

  • For renewal, a user has to bring books to Circulation Counter. If a borrowed book is not on demand, then a user may renew the book one time only. The Library has the right to recall a book if the same is required by another user.
  • An over-due charge of Rs. 2 per day shall be charged against each book not returned within the due date.

Loss/Mutilation/Damage to Documents by Students

  • Borrowers are responsible for the documents they borrow.
  • Documents lost, torn or damaged (tearing of pages, underlining, making notes, damaging of binding and the like) shall attract serious action including suspension of membership and/or replacement of documents concern. The lost/damaged document shall be replaced by the borrower with latest edition.

Library Timings

Monday to Friday

8:30 AM to 8:00 PM

Saturday/Sunday & Holidays

10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Issue/Return & Reprography Timing

9:30 AM to 5:30 PM