
From the Chairman’s Desk




Echelon Institute of Technology

It's my great honor to be able to talk to you people in the capacity of the Chairman of this august institute. This campaign is dedicated to day-to- day the transformation and evolution of engineering education. It's my great pleasure to share with you and communicate with deep sense of gratitude towards my colleagues as co- trustees and faculty of this institute, that, the very values we abide by and live on day-to-day basis in conducting this noble mission are that of collaborative creation, respect for universal life, constant learning, value enhancement, conscious continuous impact on quality of life, commitment to humane technology and a deep thirst for integrated holistic growth of all.

Coming from these values, I, as the Captain of Team Echelon wish to inform all the stake holders including the prospective students that our endeavour incorporates and intertwines practical demands and aspiration of a healthy, vibrant and inquisitive campus life, enriching interactive interface between academia, industry and students, meaningful, fulfilling, and rewarding summer training, industrial training and job placements.

We at Echelon, believe in oneness and the wholeness of life. Being true to our vision of continuous exploration of self, society and nature, we see the evolution of life as the process of mutual engagement between an individual and the culture one lives in. Innovation is a culture that one eats, drinks, and breathes in. Culture raises new technologies and new technologies enhance the already established culture. Coming from here, life at Echelon is about deepening, cultivating and promoting the collective shared space available to one as the culture of education, inspiration and invention.

You are invited to come, participate and grow as leader, creator, and an agent of transformation of technology and culture from the highest echelon of spiritual vision, philosophical doctrine, collective societal wisdom and scientific rigour.